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Mar, 2021
Spring 2021 COVID Update
Hello HSC Family,
We are quickly approaching the start of the season! We're writing to let you know that the Board of Directors is working to get the season underway in just a few short weeks. Our uniforms are in, the fields will soon be lined, and team assignments are underway.
There is a ton of demand for additional player registrations, which will become available as space and coach volunteerism permits. As noted in earlier emails, by volunteering to coach - you could be giving 10 more kids the opportunity to play!
We've gotten a ton of important questions in the past few days! The Board of Directors will be meeting tonight to work through the final moving pieces for a successful season. In the meantime, we are aiming to share relevant news and updates:
Spectators at Games and Practices
: Yesterday, Governor Murphy increased outdoor gathering limits to 200 individuals effective Friday, April 2.
With this expansion, the 200-person person limit can now include other spectators besides the necessary participants such as coaches, players, officials and two parents/guardians per player. We interpret this as there is no limit to "who" can attend the games as a spectator, so long as a single match does not have more than 200 spectators (which we don't anticipate that in our recreation program). Proper public health protocols must still be adhered.
Public Health Measures:
Proper public health protocols must be followed, otherwise the season is at risk of being shut down. This includes wearing face coverings when appropriate, maintaining social distancing among all participants and spectators, and conducting pre-event health checks with the players. HSC will maintain a regular cleaning schedule of shared facilities throughout game day to mitigate spread on contact surfaces.
No Participation due Quarantine (Including Spring Break Travel):
We recognize that many families may be traveling beyond the immediate region for 'spring break.' Based on the current CDC guidelines, the number of families that should be quarantining may adversely impact season start.
The board will evaluate this tonight and render a decision to ensure the safe and practical start to the season.
Current quarantine and testing guidance is as follows:
Consider getting tested with a viral test (not an antibody test) 3-5 days after the trip. If travelers test positive, they should
self-isolate for at least 10 days . If travelers test negative, they should
quarantine for a full 7 days after travel. If testing is not available (or if the results are delayed), travelers should quarantine for 10 days after travel. The self-quarantine is voluntary, but
compliance is expected.
If you are exposed to an individual with COVID-19 (including if your school or class is being held remote due to such case), the safest option is to quarantine for 14 days. No Test Option: Stay home for 10 days. If you stay symptom free for 10 days, quarantine ends. Monitor symptoms, wear a mask, and social distance through day 14.Test Option: Stay home for 7 days. Get tested at Day 5, 6, or 7. Stay home while awaiting results. If the test is negative and you stay symptom free, quarantine ends. Monitor symptoms, wear a mask, and social distance through day 14.
Vaccination Guidance
: F
ully vaccinated people engaging in social activities in
public setting
should continue to follow all public health measures
including wearing a well-fitted mask, maintaining physical distance (at least 6 feet), avoiding crowds, avoiding poorly ventilated spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, and washing hands frequently.
Fully vaccinated people with no COVID-like symptoms do not need to
or be tested following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, as their risk of infection is low. If the individual begins displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19, they should self-isolate in accordance with the guidance above. Players and Coaches receiving the vaccination during the season should exercise caution in same-day participation as potential muscle aches or mild fever may be magnified by strenuous soccer activity.
he CDC updated its travel guidance for fully vaccinated people to reflect the latest evidence and science.
Fully vaccinated people can travel within the United States and do not need COVID-19 testing or post-travel self-quarantine as long as they continue to take COVID-19 precautions while traveling – wearing a mask, avoiding crowds, socially distancing, and washing hands frequently.
We look forward to taking the field soon and will communicate any additional information as it becomes available!
Howell Soccer Club
Howell Soccer Club
PO Box 222
Howell, New Jersey 07731
[email protected]
Howell Soccer Club
PO Box 222
Howell, New Jersey 07731
[email protected]
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